Running for a CAUSE!

First of all, HELLO again!  Goodness-it feels like it has been forever since I’ve written anything.  Probably because it HAS!


While it’s unfortunately true that I’ve not been painting or creating much lately, so I don’t have much to share, I have still been busy in other ways!  Since the last post I’ve written, I’ve moved to PA, started two jobs, potentially a third in January–CRAZY!  I’ve also worked on, and almost finished, watercolors for my Christmas cards (don’t worry–as soon as I get them all sent out, I’ll post pictures, but they have to remain a surprise until then!).  Lastly and perhaps most pertinently for the remainder of this post, I ran my FIRST 50K!!! Yes, 31+ miles… at once.

I’ll be honest; at first, I really did not think I would be able to do it, had never planned to try a 50K… I was satisfied with marathons.  BUT, my brother is the Visitor Services Manager at the US National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, and they were hosting a trail 50K, called the WC-50 Ultra… 31+ miles on trails with my brother and a chance to see my adorable nephew and the rest of my family… I definitely couldn’t resist!

And now, I AM HOOKED! The atmosphere of an ultra is completely different than that of a marathon.  I had heard as such before, but didn’t know what to expect.  The “ultra world” seems so laid back, supportive and community-based.  Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE both–marathons and ultras, now.  Unfortunately, I tweaked my knee a bit around mile 22, and had to walk more than I wanted, but I finished, and I’m planning to do another one soon!  Needless to say, my brother didn’t have to work NEARLY as hard to convince me again; I have something to prove, now! haha

Which leads me to my next topic; I’ve signed up to run a Rock’n’roll marathon in DC as a ST. Jude Hero… I AM SO STOKED ABOUT THIS.  I’ll write another post completely dedicated to this venture, why I’ve decided to embark on it, and how it is going, etc.  But for now, I’ll keep it to a minimum, ’cause no one wants to read me ramble on and on and on… I’ve committed to raising $500 for St. Jude, and so far have raised $120.  If you are interested in donating (please don’t feel obligated–sharing word of mouth and awareness helps, too!) to the cause, I’ve attached the link below:

If you have any advice or want to share any FUNdraising ideas, please feel free to let me know!  And keep your eyes peeled for the next post; fully dedicated to St. Jude!

As always, peace, love and Jesus!
