New Greeting Cards!

Hello lovelies!

Happy February to all of you!  Gorgeous and sunny here for the first day of the month!  PERFECT time to buy last-minute Valentine’s Day cards…

Not that I’m dropping any hints or anything… But this post is primarily to share some of my newest commissioned Valentine’s Day cards and some spring/generic ones!  ALSO, I have Etsy linked up more fully now, getting more full by the day!  ANNNNND, I have my Paypal invoice system all ready to go for easiest payment and delivery of the cards!

Without further ado, here they are (please pardon the blurriness on some of the photographs!)

And then a few artsy in process shots:

Hope you enjoyed them, and STAY TUNED for more!  If you’re interested in ordering any for ANY occasion (Even Christmas 2017!) contact me below!

LOOONG overdue

Hello lovelies!

I know it has been entirely too long since I’ve written a thing!  I figured that now is as good a time as any to get back into this blog, full-swing!  I’m going to plan to post more frequently, and about more topics!  A muggy, rainy morning with a good cup of joe is the PERFECT time to “restart,” isn’t it?!

Okay, so that’s not today’s coffee… but I wish it was!

Also, while we are talking about restarting things… you should check out my Etsy shop, which I’ve also revamped.  I’ve decided to focus it primarily on wedding-related pieces and projects… thumbprint guest books, invitations, etc.  Right now, everything is done by hand, but I hope to add graphically illustrated things to the wedding programs and invitations portion of it!  I suppose the hopeless romantic in me, combined with my recent part-time employment with a Wedding Coordinator at Separk Mansion in Gastonia, has brought about this change and made me really excited about it all!  I DO LOVE WEDDINGS!

Here’s my Etsy link….

And here are a few images from my shop:

And OF COURSE, I still take commissions and other projects, so any time you have questions about anything, send them my way! 🙂 I would love to help you make your visions and dreams come true!

There’s so much I COULD say… but I’ll just keep this one short, a “re-introduction” of sorts, and unashamed advertising of my Etsy shop… so go visit it! 🙂

Peace, Love and Jesus,
